Professor of Applied Geology and lecturer in Remote Sensing and Geological Hazards at the Department of Earth Sciences, University of Rome “Sapienza” (the largest University in Europe) and afferent to CERI (Research Centre for the Prediction, Prevention and Control of Geological Hazards).
Organizer and scientific responsible of several professional training courses in Italy and abroad, including the annual course called “International Course on Geotechnical and Structural Monitoring” that in the last 6 years has seen the participation of over 650 professionals and researchers from over 50 countries and 40 partners.
University courses
at "Sapienza" University of Rome
Geological Risks
The course provides students with the basic elements for a rigorous understanding of the concept of risk as a product of the hazard, vulnerability and value of exposed elements. The most common geological processes capable of generating risk to humans and their activities will be presented with particular attention to earthquakes, volcanic activity, floods and gravitational instability processes. Particular attention will be paid to the role that the Earth Sciences play in the various phases of risk analysis and the tools and methods used for identification and assessment. The most common risk management and mitigation strategies in terms of structure and monitoring will also be described.
CFU: 6
Code: 1051987
Hours: 48
Academic Year: 2020/2021
Curriculum: Curriculum unico
Time: Second year / Second semester
Study course: Geological science (L-34)
Course code: 30859
School: Matematical, Physical and Natural Science
Department: Earth Science
Classes hours and location
Wednesday 4pm-6pm at Aula 3 – Edificio CU005
Thursday 2pm-4pm at Aula 13 – Edificio CU009
Book references
- La protezione civile in Italia. Testo istituzionale di riferimento per i docenti scolastici. Editore: Dipartimento della Protezione Civile – Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, anno 2020 (
- Pipkin, Trent, Hazlett, 2007. Geologia Ambientale. Piccin Editore, ISBN: 978-88-299-1866-9.
- Peter T. Bobrowsky, 2013. Encyclopedia of Natural Hazards. Springer Netherlands, 978-94-007-0263-9
Material provided by the teacher and notes taken during lectures.
Type of lessons
Frontal lessons in the classroom or through virtual platforms. Supplementary seminars on specific topics of the program are also provided.
Final exam
The exam is an oral test in which, in addition to verifying the knowledge of main concepts exposed in the lessons, the student will be asked to present a small project of analysis and mitigation of geological risks.
geological risks of the student’s choice.
Prior to the oral exam, a written test can be carried out with multiple choice and open answers and open response.
- Study plan
- Course details
- Streaming:
- Google Classroom:
- Google Classroom code: l6npohs
Remote Sensing and Geomorphological Applications
The course provides students with the basic cognitive elements for the acquisition, management and processing of data related to the territory with the most modern techniques of remote sensing, both for the digital modeling of landforms, and for the monitoring of deformation processes related to geomorphological instability. The course provides students with the knowledge of the basic principles and the most innovative techniques for the analysis and monitoring of the territory such as Optical and Multispectral, Laser, Thermographic and Radar systems from terrestrial, aerial and satellite platforms.
CFU: 9
Code: 10592956
Hours: 72
Academic Year: 2020/2021
Curriculum: Unique
Time: Second year / Second semester
Study course: Applied Geology to Engineering, Land and Hazards (LM-34)
Course code: 30446
School: Matematical, Physical and Natural Science
Department: Earth Science
Books references
- Gomarasca M. A., 2009. Basics of Geomatics. Springer Netherlands, 978-1-4020-9013-4.
- Campbell J.B. and Wynne R.H., 2011. Introduction to remote sensing (5th edition). The Guilford Press, New York.
- Dainelli N., 2011. Telerilevamento: Manuale teorico-pratico per l’elaborazione delle immagini digitali. Dario Flaccovio Editore.
- Wilson & Gallant, 2000. Terrain Analysis: Principles and Applications. Wiley.
- Zhilin Li, Christopher Zhu, Chris Gold, 2004. Digital Terrain Modeling: Principles and Methodology. CRC Press.
Study Materials
The notes taken during the lessons, in addition to the material projected during the lectures and available on the E-Learning portal “Sapienza”, represent the basic material for the preparation of the exam.
available on the E-Learning portal “Sapienza”, represent the basic material for the preparation of the final exam.
final exam.
Type of lessons
Classroom lectures or through virtual platforms. Supplementary seminars on specific topics of the program are also provided.
Final exam
The final exam will consist of a single oral test in which the student will be required to know the basic principles of remote sensing and the methodologies presented in the course. The exam will be oriented also to verify the ability of the student to design remote sensing activities in relation to specific needs of study in geology and geomorphology and to extract information from the available remote sensing. data.
- Study Plan
- Course details
- Google Classroom:
- Code: 7irna4a
- Elearning Sapienza:
- 19/04/2021: start booking 05/04/2021 – end booking 12/04/2021
- 14/06/2021: start booking 31/05/2021 – end booking 07/06/2021
- 05/07/2021: start booking 21/06/2021 – end booking 28/06/2021
- 06/09/2021: start booking 23/08/2021 – end booking 30/08/2021
- 20/09/2021: start booking 06/09/2021 – end booking 13/09/2021
- 08/11/2021: start booking 25/10/2021 – end booking 01/11/2021
Remote Sensing
The aim of the course is to provide the basic cognitive elements for the acquisition, management and processing of data related to the territory with the most modern techniques of remote sensing, both for the digital modeling of landforms, and for the monitoring of deformation processes related to geomorphological processes of instability. The course also aims to provide students with knowledge about the basic principles and the most innovative techniques for the management and analysis of digital terrain models, at different resolution, for the quantitative description of geomorphological processes. Students will also acquire experience and skills related to the management, processing and interpretation of remote sensing data, also through exercises with specific software packages. At the end of the course students will be able, also through the use of specific tools in GIS environment, to conduct the most modern techniques of quantitative analysis of geomorphological processes.
CFU: 6
Code: 10596065
Hours: 48
Year: 2021/2022
Curriculum: Curriculum unique
Time: Second year / First semester
Study course: Applied Geology to Engineering, Land and Hazards (LM-34)
Course code: 30446
School: Matematical, Physical and Natural Science
Department: Earth Science
Wednesday 11:00-13:00 at Aula 13 – Building CU009
Thursday 11:00-13:00 at Aula 12 – Building CU005
- Gomarasca M. A., 2009. Basics of Geomatics. Springer Netherlands, 978-1-4020-9013-4.
- Campbell J.B. and Wynne R.H., 2011. Introduction to remote sensing (5th edition). The Guilford Press, New York.
- Dainelli N., 2011. Telerilevamento: Manuale teorico-pratico per l’elaborazione delle immagini digitali. Dario Flaccovio Editore.
- Wilson & Gallant, 2000. Terrain Analysis: Principles and Applications. Wiley.
- Zhilin Li, Christopher Zhu, Chris Gold, 2004. Digital Terrain Modeling: Principles and Methodology. CRC Press.
Study Materials
The notes taken during the lessons, in addition to the material projected during the lectures and available on the E-Learning portal “Sapienza”, represent the basic material for the preparation of the exam.
available on the E-Learning portal “Sapienza”, represent the basic material for the preparation of the final exam.
final exam.
Type of lessons
Classroom lectures or through virtual platforms (at the following link). Supplementary seminars on specific topics of the program are also provided.
Final exam
The final exam will consist of a single oral test in which the student will be required to know the basic principles of remote sensing and the methodologies presented in the course. The exam will be oriented also to verify the ability of the student to design remote sensing activities in relation to specific needs of study in geology and geomorphology and to extract information from the available remote sensing data.
- Study plan
- Couse details
- Google Classroom: Stream del corso (
- Code Google Classroom: vskifeh
- Elearning Sapienza:
working progress
Office hours
Due to the current health emergency, the modalities and times of reception will have to be agreed upon directly with the teacher at
Professional Courses
International Course on Geotechnical and Structural Monitoring
Reaching its seventh edition, held for the first time in 2014, the IcGSM professional course confirms its role as a leader and worldwide excellence in the field of sector training and as a moment of confrontation that brings together the professional, academic and industrial world, also thanks to the participation of international personalities among the most distinguished in the geotechnical and structural monitoring panorama. In recent years, more than 600 people from over 50 countries and 60 companies have attended the course.
The 2021 event will be held online and will be structured as follows:
- 3 consecutive days (4 hours long) of the Main Course;
- 2 consecutive days (4 hours) of Field Trip;
- 14 days (4 hours) of Master Classes, spread over a semester.
International conventions, seminars and conferences
- “Geotechnical and structural monitoring in the management of large infrastructure works: a look to the future” for Società Italiana Gallerie
- Advanced Satellite InSAR for SMART Geotechnical Asset Management (GAM) at Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington D.C.;
- Changing the Paradigm for Large Landslides: Forecasting Time-to-Failure presso Geo-Congress, Philadelplhia, Pennsylvania;
- Course of Geotechnical and Structural Monitoring through Remote Sensing techniques for Politecnico di Torino, Torino.
- Keynote Lecture “Smart Geotechnical Asset Management: The Key Role of Monitoring” presso X FMGM – Field Measurements in Geomechanics , Symposium Rio de Janeiro (Brasil)
- Lecture “Insights into Radar Monitoring, Photomonitoring and Drones” presso X FMGM – Field Measurements in Geomechanics, Symposium Rio de Janeiro (Brasil);
- Lecture “Integrating Classical Geotechnical Measurements with Remote Sensing Techniques” presso X FMGM – Field Measurements in Geomechanics, Symposium Rio de Janeiro (Brasil);
- Lecture “Remote Sensing of landslides” presso la University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada);
- Lecture “SMART GAM: Using Monitoring Technologies to Manage Geotechnical Asset Management” presso 96thTransportation Research Board conference di Washington (US);
- Lecture “Toward Transportation Asset Management: which is the role of Geotechnical Monitoring” presso 96thTransportation Research Board conference di Washington (US);